“ 我哪有什么人生,我就是没死 ”
“ 别人都开心死了,我的开心死了 ”
你是不是什么道理都懂,却过不好这一生。Do you know all the truth, but you can't live a good life.
2、成年人之间,我一旦不信任你,你后续再做多少补救,我都认为你仍然在玩套路。As adults, once I don't trust you, I assume you're still playing the game.
3、走错路,可能是运气不好,但总往一个坑里跳,那就是活该。Take the wrong road, may be bad luck, but always into a pit to jump, that is what it deserves.
4、爱不会扎根,热情没有永恒,人们口中的永远仅是用来形容当下的炽热。Love does not take root. Passion does not last forever. The word in people's mouth is only used to describe the heat of the moment.
Life is not for money, but want to live, need money.
6、被人捂热再丢掉真的很残忍,别人转身就能回到正常生活,而你,连回去的路都找不到。It's really cruel to be thrown away by people. Others can go back to normal life when they turn around, but you can't even find the way back.
7、你像疯子一样爱他,他却像瞎子一样看不见。You love him like a madman, but he can't see like a blind man.
8、这个世上没有人可以随心所欲,生活会逼着你选择答案,什么都明白,却什么都改变不了。No one in this world can do what they want, life will force you to choose the answer, everything is clear, but nothing can change.
9、人家根本不把你当回事,你还多愁善感到不行。People don't take you seriously, and you're too sentimental to do it.
10、你爱上谁,便是递给谁一把尖刀,你无法预知哪天,他是会用来为你削苹果,还是会朝着你心口狠狠扎下。You fall in love with who, is to give who a sharp knife, you can not predict which day, he will be used to peel an apple for you, or will be toward your heart hard.
11、当今社会,实话变得不中听,谎话却变得更迷人。In today's society, the truth has become unpleasant, but the lie has become more attractive.
12、承诺这东西,一般都是听的人记住了,说的人早忘了。Commitment to this thing, generally is to listen to the people remember, said the people have forgotten.